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Teaming with healthcare institutions and practitioners to improve the patient experience, enhance collaboration with outside entities, protect PII and PHI, and drive down administration costs.

Enhanced patient care and improved public health

Advances in the health care industry are happening at a dizzying rate, resulting in enhanced patient care and improved public health. Innovations in medical devices and drugs, plus advances in diagnoses and treatment, are improving lives and longevity in ways never seen before. These are being supported by emerging medical information technologies such as virtual assistants, electronic health records (EHR), the Internet of Medical Things, and decentralized records management using blockchain.

Information has always played a central role in health care innovation. It is also central to operating medical and healthcare practices effectively. Information analysis can be used to uncover inefficiencies and risks as well as revenue opportunities.

Extracting the value

Access Sciences works with health care organizations to extract the greatest value from their information – from building meaningful information architectures, to stewarding information assets, to analyzing information for better decision making.

Working in

Health Care

We work with all sectors in the Medical and Health Care industry, their supply chain partners, and industry trade groups to craft solutions by leveraging capabilities that address the industry’s unique challenges.


Data Driven Approach to Physician CVs Improves Collaboration & Competitiveness for Grants

This globally-renowned cancer research, teaching, and treatment hospital has thousands of faculty members with extensive credentials, qualifications, and appointments.

Related Capability & Service:

Communication Strategy

We develop relevant communication strategies and messages for targeted audiences.

Related Capability & Service:

Stakeholder Management

Our experts identify specific tactics to engage stakeholders and specific areas where resistance is expected, then put plans in place to manage that resistance.


Our team of experts:


Michael Boses is a Principal with the Technology practice. He is a content technology expert whose experience bridges technical design and business process improvement. Michael’s track record includes the leadership of numerous large-scale projects in government and industry and the co-founding of two software companies that became leaders in their content technology space.


Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities. Let’s talk about yours.