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From due diligence through the transition and beyond, helping you maintain control of your company’s information assets.

An overwhelming challenge

Companies who’ve been through a merger or acquisition know that pulling together all that new information, assess its value, and integrate it into daily operations can be an overwhelming challenge.  Equally, a divestiture requires a clear understanding of what information assets to transfer, keep, duplicate, or destroy.

Handling records and information the right way stands alongside managing human resources, transforming business processes, and making decisions about intellectual property, physical assets, and real estate. Access Sciences can help early in the process by assessing and documenting affected information and by developing a strategy to manage it. Later, we can help carry out the information transition, through knowledge management, content and data ingestion, intellectual property protection, system integration, application decommissioning, information governance, and change management.


We help you avoid complications that stem from inadvertently transferring information that’s not contractually required, or receiving unnecessary information that creates a liability.

Due Diligence Support

Our experts provide information-related support to the due diligence process.

Content Analysis

We analyze content as the basis for migration and classification of information into the acquiring or merged organization’s systems.

Content Migration

Our expertise and tools drive large scale content migrations into the acquiring or merged organization’s systems.

Ingestion, Imaging, and Classification

Our professionals ingest, image, and classify content, freeing organizations to focus on their core business.

Change Management

Our teams assist organizations in dealing with organizational change and preparing employees for their roles in the new organization.

Systems Integration

Our specialists leverage off-the-shelf functionality, and develop custom application interfaces, to create sustainable integrations.

Application Decommissioning

We help organizations remove systems, applications, and databases from service, while retaining access to their data for transition into the acquiring or merged organization’s systems.

Knowledge Management

We assist organizations in retaining institutional knowledge assets before, during, and after a transaction.

Ensuring Accurate content and data migration

We help companies retain knowledge assets and prepare employees for their roles in the new organization. Our teams integrate systems and ensure accurate content and data migration so that the information is available to support seamless operations as soon as the transaction is concluded.


Should Information Management become involved in the early stages of a merger, acquisition, or divestiture?


At the very earliest stages, when the transaction is being assessed and planned, Information Management must have a seat at the table. Early consideration must be given to which information, systems, and people are going to be impacted, and the impact of legal holds or tax holds to the due diligence process.

Success Story:

Divesting Assets Also Means Divesting Information

During the spin-off of their midstream and downstream operations, the world’s fifth largest integrated oil company faced a very real challenge – how to determine which records to keep, which to share, and which to transfer to the new organization? Each of the companies would be expected to operate independently from the date of the spin-off, changing dynamics literally overnight.

Success Story:

Divestiture Crisis Averted Using Risk-Based Approach

Organizations sell assets for a variety of reasons: to achieve operational synergies, fund other initiatives, narrow their business focus, and many others. Regardless of motivation, once the parties show mutual interest and decide to negotiate, divestitures typically take a well defined path that can be divided into two sequential activities, which we will refer to as the negotiation and transition / close phases.

Success Story:

Content Migration on a Massive Scale

A publicly-traded company with operations in 13 states has grown rapidly in recent years. Along with this growth and financial prosperity came the realization that responsibly managing the company’s information is complicated. This complexity is compounded by the fact that much of their growth has come through acquisition, and no two companies manage their information in the same way.


Our team of experts:


Amelia is a Consulting Manager with extensive experience in records and information management. Her professional experience has spanned both the consulting services and managed services practices at Access Sciences. She has worked with clients to manage high-volume record relocation projects, information sharing and division during divestitures, retention schedule development, and information governance program development.


Each organization has unique challenges and opportunities. Let’s talk about yours.